The Importance of Proper Ergonomics When Operating a Lift Truck Skip to content
The Importance of Proper Ergonomics When Operating a Lift Truck

The Importance of Proper Ergonomics When Operating a Lift Truck

Most people don’t think that sitting in a moving vehicle can be hazardous to their health, but awkward postures, equipment vibrations, and the repetitive nature of forklift driving can easily result in the development of serious muscular and skeletal problems. To help you and your employees stay safe and comfortable while operating a lift truck, Liftow Limited offers a variety of ergonomic products, including neck support devices, ergo seats, and full backrest units. The proper ergonomics provided by these products and devices can lead to:

Increased Productivity

The more comfortable your operators are, the less time they will spend readjusting their seats and taking brakes to stretch out their tired limbs. In turn, they will be able to sit for extended periods of time. So unless you want to sacrifice productivity, make sure you contact Liftow Limited today to learn about our full line of ergonomically designed lift truck products and accessories.

Healthy Employees

Operating a lift truck for hours on end is an easy way to develop some serious muscular and skeletal injuries. Forklift operators most commonly experience the early signs and symptoms of musculoskeletal injuries in the neck, shoulders, upper and lower back, and forearms. Left unchecked, these injuries can result in severe pain, reduced movement, and eventually the inability to work. Proper ergonomic equipment can mitigate these problems.

More Profitable Cycles

Material handling and warehouse operations are extremely complex and sensitive endeavors. Even the slightest setback in the logistics chain can cause considerable financial losses. Good forklift ergonomics is thus one of the easiest ways to protect your company or organization from unnecessary and avoidable financial loss.


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