Inspections and Tests that Help Ensure Your Forklift is Working in Pro Skip to content
Inspections and Tests that Help Ensure Your Forklift is Working in Proper Order

Inspections and Tests that Help Ensure Your Forklift is Working in Proper Order

Forklift safety begins even before you start operating your forklift. It’s important that you carefully test and inspect your forklift at the beginning of every shift to ensure that it is in proper working order. Inspecting your forklift will help you identify potential issues that may compromise the safety of your forklift. Here are five forklift safety checks to perform before operating your lift truck:

1. Check to See that All Gauges Work

First, make sure that your forklift’s information system is accurately reporting basic information such as fuel level and oil level. Before starting any work, also make sure that the speedometer and tachometer are both working properly.

2. Inspect the Tires

Second, make sure that your tires are inflated to the appropriate levels as indicated by the forklift and tire manufacturers. Also look for signs of punctures, air leaks, or excessive tread wear.

3. Test all Lights

Next, make sure to test all the lights on your forklift. If your forklift includes headlights, overhead lights, and turn signals, make sure that these are properly functioning. Replace burnt bulbs and fuses before using the forklift again.

4. Check Oil and Fluid Levels

Next, make sure that your forklift has adequate hydraulic fluid, powershift oil, and mechanical oil. These fluids are essential to safe and proper performance, so you should never use a forklift that does not have enough. In many cases, your information system will report low levels of oil and fluid, allowing you to check these concerns more efficiently.

5. Test Your Brakes

Pumping your brakes a few times should help you determine whether your brake lines are in good condition, or whether you need more brake fluid. It is absolutely essential that you repair any brake problems before using a forklift.

Previous article The ABC of Forklift Operation

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